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Friday 26 August 2016

Guide to a Deck: Remember

Bitch I mean Remember is a decent deck. Remember, having Piruluk in her attribute, can run all the support cards that was meant for Piruluk, although it's more of picking up stuff that Piruluk will never use and picking it up for herself. Unlike her blue counterpart, Remember's playstyle is being offensive more than anything, while having access to Piruluk benefits such as making your opponent discard cards at times and drawing a lot of cards, in exchange of not being as offensive as other more offense oriented decks, such as Hanare and Yuzuki. Remember is the more "balanced" version of the countless offensive decks out there.

However, this leads her to becomes a tryhard of sorts, not being able to do any one of the many things she try to do well enough for her to become good overall. She does have some interesting and unique things to brag of, but that doesn't change the fact that Remember is a preety meh deck to use in the meta right now. Remember requires, at minimum, one ARTS slot to function even slightly well, in the form of Lock You. Using Remember 5 you're probably gonna end up taking over 2. Having only 3-4 defensive ARTS (conditional ones at that, since Remember options are preety wierd) in a deck that doesn't have enough offense to end the game extremely early can hurt a lot depending on what you do.

Disclaimer: I haven't tested that much of what Remember does since Horoscope was released. I've played maybe like, 2-3 games since Horoscope, so remember to take what I say with a grain of salt.

Remember the bitch, Typical Miko

I first stole lives
then I stole from Sashe
I guess I should talk about the best card in the deck first, cause why not? The best card that Remember has is... well, Lock You, but aside from that (which is about the only way for Remember to bank onto victory), one of the best cards Remember has is Horoscope. Actually, it's more like that Horoscope is Remember's only SIGNI support, but even counting in the Piruluk cards that Remember can use, Horoscope gets the MVP seat. Horoscope is basically your most consistent source of offense in the deck. Your other main thing that you can rely on offense for is IZRH, but On-Attack banishers (in this case, hand-returners) tend to be better than Main Phase banishers, due to them being able to deny your opponent ener if they use an ARTS to block that attack. In summary; most of the time, your offense will be banking on Horoscope.

I'm a dead girl
I blame Piruluk
No bitch blame yourself
However, in order to Horoscope consistently, you need to be able to freeze your opponent's SIGNIs consistently. Remember Night's On-Play works on this regard, and the Action can help when it calls for it, but shouldn't be spammed. Which is why we have Remember Dead Night, Star-Reading Miko as an option. Remember 5 is your most consistent freezing engine, while having an incredibly good effect of literally freezing your opponent's SIGNI, like the word itself implies, skill and all. This can fuck up with a bunch of stuff, namely against Myuu and Sashe, due to this fucking up with Nanahoshi, Ougusoku, Saturn, and all the other good stuff that makes the both of them good. Remember 5 also has the option of banishing things herself while acting as a draw engine when it comes down to it. Finally, Remember 5 can pull off FREEZE THROUGH to act as a definitive finisher for you, and act as a drawing engine. Remember 5 would be better if she had an Attack Phase timing defensive skill, like a lot of the other level 5s nowadays do, or if she costed 1 ener less, but she is still overall preety decent and flexible.

ACG is a very good card. ACG helps in freezing your opponent's SIGNIs to mark them for banishing later on. ACG is probably one of your most reliable freezing engines. ACG also nerfs a lot of things, namely Resona decks and just murders the hell out of Hanare matchups.

On the topic of freezing things, IZRH's Constant is definitely decent and interesting, but not fantastic enough to make her a good card.

Oh, I should probably mention that despite having a White cost Remember doesn't run any White fodders outside of Horoscope. 2-4 Horoscope already serves enough as a fodder, and to be honest, Remember doesn't have any quality whites that she can make use of. 8 Servants and Horoscope should do the job preety well. In the first place, you don't use a lot of Whites in Remember. About the only other place you use White ener in Remember aside from growing is, like, Pinch, which isn't worth running half your deck filled with Whites for.

Oh hey it's that one thing
I cant say the name of
if I fear liscensing
PZL, WTC, and other alike early freezers are bad cards. Please refrain from using them. You don't have anything to do with frozen SIGNIs early game. Unless you somehow found space in the deck for DEF, and even then, being a 2-card combo that needs to occur early game can be conditional. Using freezing defensively can be very cheezy considering that just a simple charging away will solve the problem of freezing. In the first place, whether early freezing will have a big impact on the game early on (which tends to be very passive for the most part, unless you're facing a 2-stop, but 2-stops are falling in number in the metagame right now). Even during the late game, it can be preety questionable on whether freeze control would work or not, and would only be effective if you managed to freeze 2+ consistently.

tl;dr don't run freeze defensively.

Let's not forget that Daihouika is a thing, because what blue deck doesn't run Daihouika? Pfft

HTR + Gurehozame has been one of Piruluk's best ways to input damage, and that doesn't change in this era. When you combine this combo with an Attack Phase banisher (Read: Horoscope), you can deal a lot of damage in one turn. While you'd be forced to freeze 2, this isn't hard with Remember 5. That being said, Remember 5 can be very slow, and considering that the metagame nowadays can do more insane shit during the late game than Remember can, this combo doesn't look so bright either. Also, without ALCA being a thing for Remember to fetch out Gurehozame/HTR (while you can fetch Horoscope), and that Remember doesn't have as much drawing power as Piruluk decks nowadays, this combo can be hard to pull off.

To discuss the ARTS slot for Remember, you'd want to run Pinch, first of all. Pinch is a good ARTS. While Remember can't use Pinch as well as other white decks can, due to her deck being consisted majorly of Blues more than anything, but is still good. Blue Punish is also a good ARTS that can be used in a variety of ways. Four Color Miasma is also a good card, as per normal reasons. That Black cost can hurt though. Don't Move used to be used back in the days, and can still be used nowadays since resting two things is a very good effect, but 3 Blue can be overcosted at times. Lock You is an absolute staple, and the only finisher Remember has access to.

Honorable mention to Code Art CL.

Aside from all these, Remember is basically just Piruluk staples.

Remember Cross, the better

Hatsune Miku in WIXOSS?
Ironically, Remember is one of the few decks that has her Cross variant better than her normal variant. This is due to one reason; Remember Cross can freeze your opponent's SIGNIs for free, as long as you manage to call out a SIGNI. Also, HI and DY is an amazing Cross pair, being able to banish a frozen SIGNI On-Heaven. Back when Horoscope wasn't a thing, HI + DY was the only Attack Phase banisher Remember had access to (unless you count... well, AMS). Due to this reason, Cross Remember was actually decent. She still suffered from problems though, namely that she relied heavily on Cross, which was inconsistent, especially moreso without a search engine, and most of the prior problems normal Remember suffered from too. However, then we met Gurehozame. Gurehozame, when combined with Remember Cross' ability of making you draw 1 On-Heaven, can be extremely effective in pushing in damage. If your opponent decides to not use any ARTS, you can easily push in 3 damage with the combo. You can do the same thing in normal Remember with Horoscope, but Remember Cross has freezing SIGNIs a lot easier than normal Remember does, due the fact that hers isn't limited to On-Play and that HI, a minimized version of original Remember's Action is a thing.

Remember Cross also didn't have what it took to shake the metagame though, mainly due to the fact that certain decks could stop what she tried to do extremely easily with cheap costed ARTS, namely Tama. then the Tama meta ended, and Piruluk/Midoriko meta came. Piruluk fucked with Remember easily and Midoriko was too aggressive for Remember to outpace. Then we arrive at the current meta, in which Yuzuki is the new Midoriko and Piruluk remains big, while Tama is making a comeback. Man, the metagame was not kind to Remember.

Cross Remember is still a preety decent deck and definitely fun, so using it in casual plays is recommended, but she doesn't have more aside from that.

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