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Thursday 22 September 2016

Update Post: Alive again, maybe?

... I.. wrote a Tawil post a while ago. Blogger apparently ate it though, which brings me here.

First of all, I would like to apologize for not writing anything for the past month or so. School's been distracting me a lot and I couldn't find the motivation to write anything in recent days uvu. Though, a post a month is better than no post at all, so voila.

From here on, I probably can't promise anything, to be honest, until break starts at least, but I will try to bring a post per week ideally, but it will probably end up as a post per month at best. However, I can promise that this blog will never die out. ... Hopefully.

Anyways, away from that, let's discuss future plans!

Number one on my priority list right now is to Rewrite my Tawil post, because it somehow got eaten by blogger. Tawil is the deck I'm most familiar with among the decks I've yet to write a post for, which are all either decks I have no experience with or utter pieces of shit. This post should come this coming Saturday or so, maybe even tomorrow if I get the time.

My second top priority is picking back up and finishing Rewrite
I kid I kid

My second top priority is to write my first impressions on the lostorage support that has been released in the last couple of days, one post for each LRIG. From my point of view, Lostorage is changing around a lot of shit with the game, and seeing where this will end up at would be preety interesting to look at.

Third priority is definitely Aiyai. That being said, I'd probably need time with this, since the only Aiyai experience I have is back when she was first released, before I got bored of the too repetitive OTK pattern. I need to either wait for tradingcardsonline to update so that I can try Aiyai out, or I'll have to spend my life proxying shit for the next month or so. After Aiyai, I need to proxy Mirurun, who is, well, Mirurun that looks solid with her latest support. Then Sashe, Umr, then Remember... who didn't get anything for like the past 2-3 sets and is shit.

This should be more or less it...

Or, wait. I forgot to cover one last thing.

I'm soon going to change the Blog's background with something. Don't know what, but it's probably gonna be best gurl Piruluk, so look forward to that.

Anyways, I will be back with Tawil post soon, probably.

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